The Power of Disciplined Remembrance
Commitment. Depth. Community. Devotion to God. Poetry. Prayer. Creation. Tradition. Discipline and Routine. Art. Remembering Who We Are. These are all things that I am about, because they have been woven into my life in some way or another. These are the first words I thought of as I contemplated how to describe Celtic Prayer.
I was introduced to Celtic Spirituality when I was assigned this topic for a graduate school presentation. God knew I would love it. I soaked it up. There is a prayer community in northern England called the Northumbria Community that specifically stands out in my mind. I totally enjoy their Book of Prayer. And I am inspired and motivated by their community. They teach mutuality and support. A community of prayer like theirs illustrates the church without walls. They are living out a covenant together. They vow availability and vulnerability to God and others. It's really quite beautiful if you think about it.
You might be thinking, "What is she talking about?". Well, these are Christian people who have vowed to be a part of a prayer community. They pray throughout the day together. Three times. Sometimes they are together. Sometimes they pray together from different places. I love this. It encourages awareness of God throughout the day in ordinary life circumstances. The Scriptures and psalms are at the heart of these prayers. They are wonderful. The prayers they lift to God are filled with a rich sense of tradition and remembrance. The Celtic Prayer community practices anamnesis. This is a conscious, prayerful remembrance of God which leads to a continuing sense and awareness of God's presence throughout the day. I love this.
The Book of Celtic Prayer is made up of sections which are named: Morning Prayer, Midday Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Complices. There is also a Scripture Reading and/or Meditation for each day of the month. Prayer like this can be said anywhere. It is a time of reflection, focus, and remembrance...a time for meaning to filter from the head to the heart.
I once had to try this for one month in order to complete a project for one of my classes. It showed me just how disciplined these communities are. Our lives are so busy. I loved taking time out to focus. And be still. And be reminded...of God's constant presence.
I wanted to share the following meditation. May it bless you. If you are interested in learning more, check out this book filled with daily prayer. Here is the link for purchase:
The Field (Celtic Daily Prayer, Northumbria Community)
Every curse becomes a blessing
to the people of God's choosing.
He who spoke it shall perform it.
He shall bring on us the blessing,
though the enemy may fight.
My Jesus has done all things
In the dry and desert places
Jesus is our souls' oasis.
He will give us of His plenty,
fill the vessels once so empty,
pour His waters on the ground,
living waters gushing round.
See the land so black and barren;
God will make a watered garden:
fruitfulness where once
was parchedness,
light to break into the darkness,
upper springs
and nether springs
in the field
that Father's given.
Satan tries, but cannot block it,
powers of Hell could never stop it.
Darkness flees as light is given.
God establishes His heaven
in our hearts, and in this place
shows the radiance of His face.