Morning Pages
The words flowed and filled the pages faster than I thought they would. Every morning I would write. The goal was to freely write whatever came to the paper—no edits—no critiques—just writing. I LOVED this time. And I LOVED doing it in the morning whenever I possibly could. It was one of the most freeing experiences and perhaps the most grounding as well. Because I was allowing space to process what was inside of me. I was also allowing my thoughts, ideas and creativity to take up space in my day—they were able to come out and be written and shared on paper. For me, it was healthy. I’m sure each person will have their own individual experience with it, nonetheless, I wanted to share about my Morning Pages.
This writing exercise is one that Julia Cameron outlines in her book The Artist’s Way. You can journey through it by yourself or in a group. I’ve completed it twice with two different groups and both experiences were unique and life changing. The idea is that you will write whatever is on your mind and it’s for you only. Often times people don’t feel free to just be and just create. They are afraid of what others might think or they are a perfectionist. Oftentimes they will critique their best work before they even give it wings to fly. We are so good at critiquing ourselves. We are also good at hiding. And we are now even better at filtering and editing thanks to our smartphones. Morning pages are raw and real. No edits. No filters. No performing. Just you. And your heart.
Three pages. Your stream of consciousness. Just write. Whatever comes to you. It was amazing how much came to the surface during the months I participated in this practice. Three pages seems like a lot, but you’ll be surprised how fast the words come when you let them…when you know they are for your eyes only. You will also be amazed at the feeling of release—because you have just let go of something that needed to come out. It is a clearing out of sorts. I think we need more of this in our lives.
If you want to read more, feel free to get a copy of The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron and read more in depth about the process. I highly recommend it. There is no wrong or right. No editing. No rules. Except three pages. The stuff that comes out allows you to get to where you need to be in the day. If you decide to do it, you’ll see. It’s also a great lesson in discipline—just doing it-every single day—no matter where you’re at and no matter how you’re feeling—you are committed to sit down and do it—and see what happens. It’s an awesome way to track what needs to come out of you—what needs to be let go—and perhaps what is blocking you in your relationship with others and even God.
Earlier I stated that we all need a clearing out of sorts. Yes, I do believe so. Our minds, our bodies, our souls all need to be cleaned out. We have so much hanging around that is toxic that just needs to go. Do you agree? It’s something we really should be more intentional about. There’s something grounding that comes with discipline and commitment. That grounding leads to all around health and wisdom and self-awareness and a close relationship with God. So often we are focused on ourselves. Not God. Maybe once we get our stuff out on the three pages we might be able to see Him, hear Him, and even experience Him from a place of clarity—if we empty what needs to go—there is a newfound space for Him—where He belongs.
I wanted to just give a brief couple of paragraphs about the Morning Pages because I believe they can be a really healthy and growth-oriented practice for many. You get to decide if you’d like to try them. And like I said—feel free to check out more in The Artist’s Way. Happy writing!
How much space do you make in your life for God?
Once you start a time of quiet with Him, does it usually take some time to quiet yourself and get to a place where you are real with Him? Are there a lot of distractions? If so, what are they?
Are you distant from God? In what ways? Why? What might be some of your life circumstances that cause this distance?
Are there things that need to be released or cleaned out from your life? A detox of sorts? What needs to go? What are your action steps to move forward?
Are you a processor or not? Some people haven’t experienced healthy spaces to actually process parts of their lives that they need to. Some people don’t know how—so don’t worry. Give yourself some space and grace and just start. It will come as you give yourself fully to the practice. You will be amazed—what needs to come out and be released will come.
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email! I’m happy to field any questions or help you get started if this is something you’d like to do.
Journeying Together,