Caring for Self

A little time for you.  Do you schedule time to just be with yourself? To do something that feeds your soul – that brings you joy, that gives you life?  This question can be daunting with a world spinning about with a ton of responsibilities and commitments for some.  There isn’t enough time to do what I need to do in a day.  I’m tired.  I don’t know when I’ll schedule it in.  Everybody else wants and/or needs my time.  Think about your own life for a few minutes.  When do you get “you” time?  I mean space to that includes sufficient time for you to do whatever you want in that space with the goal of refreshing, renewing, and resting your mind, body, and soul.  I don’t always have that kind of time.  I am one who needs to schedule it in.  I’ve found that is my way.  Your way is your way.  One thing is for sure – it’s necessary for health. 

It’s wise to survey your life to honestly assess if you are getting this type of space.  The buzz phrase for this type of time these days is self-care.  My guess is that not much of the world actually really does this well.  Some do – awesome!  But, as technology increases its hold on us and we live in a society of “keeping busy”, wouldn’t it be important to check ourselves? You see, if you don’t put you first – who will?  Sometimes it’s an act of self-love.  Sometimes it’s an act of spiritual discipline.  Sometimes it’s you learning who and what you prioritize in life and why. 

We really do need to “care” for our “selves”, because it’s in our selves that our deepest being exists.   We’re actually developing our souls everyday of our lives.  Yep.  We are.  The way we live our days, our rhythms, our relationships, how we spend our time either cares for us or possibly harms us.  You are responsible to make that choice.  And if you feel like someone else is making it for you, maybe it’s time to think about why or have a conversation. 


I want to challenge you to think about if you really prioritize yourself.  What do you do daily/weekly/monthly/yearly to take care of you – all of you – your mental health, your body, your spiritual self?  What is your water?  What is your retreat?  What is your resting place? 

Name five ways you could intentionally care for yourself in the next month.  Schedule it in! Follow through!

Journeying Together,

Charity Bolden