Get Real
I always tell people that awareness is a powerful weapon in life. Awareness of self. Awareness of your truth. Even awareness of your dark—we all have it. We’re human.
What if being aware helped you to thrive? Helped you to move forward in life? Helped you to forgive those things you are still holding on to because of the way people have wronged you? Helped you to see you for who you truly are? Helped you to see yourself as beautiful? Helped you to live your calling and purpose? Helped you find a new freedom? Helped you to heal from wounds you have been hiding or didn’t even know were there? Helped you find a newfound confidence? Helped you grow closer to God authentically with no barriers? For real.
You might ask how does one become aware? I would have a long winded answer for you if we were in a coffee shop, but here I’ll be brief. You need to be journeying with someone/others who you can be honest and real with and also someone you trust as your accountability. You can’t grow in isolation. You need others on the journey. You will need to be able to accept and process feedback from people who love you in humility and with gratitude. Also, you will need to examine yourself daily. You will need to slow down, dig deep, and really look at your life, your decisions, your relationships, your dreams, your failures, your responses, and your relationship with God with a magnifying glass. Why? Because the majority of people are numbing down their lives somehow. Most are hiding in some way. Because that’s what sin does. That’s where the enemy likes us to be. He doesn’t like when we’re aware—in the light. He hates when we become vulnerable. He doesn’t like when we know ourselves, because it takes his power. It moves us forward—it doesn’t keep us stuck. It gives us hope. It sheds light. It heals.
Do you have a healthy network of people who are there for you? Have you sought one out? Do you have people in your life that if you’re honest are not healthy for your growth? They only continue to allow you to be stuck in a rut? Maybe you need to distance yourself from them. They are like weeds and poison. You need fertilizer, light, water, pruning, and healthy soil. Who calls you out? Who calls you to a higher level in life? Whose shoulder can you cry on when you need it? Because you will. We all will. Who helps lead you into the truth of yourself if you need help navigating? Who will go there with you so you don’t always stay on the surface? Our world is good at that. “Everything is fine.” When most often everything is not fine. I’m asking these questions, because in order to become healthier in all areas of life these are the questions we need to be asking. So let’s start going there.
I am reading a new book by Bob Goff. I love Bob Goff. I wanted to end with some of his words.
”An unexpectant life is one that merely is on repeat. A life lived in constant anticipation, on the other hand, is one willing to do a load of self-examination. We can’t fix what we won’t take the time to understand. If you’re willing to make the trip under the surface, you’ll find some pretty great stuff there. Some hard stuff? Sure. Some scary stuff. You bet. Some stuff you’d rather avoid? Definitely. But at least you’ll understand the real you. You’ll be dealing with the real causes of your insecurity, not merely the manifestations of it. You’ll confront the actual impediments in your life, not just the perceived ones. Why settle for the surface-level version of yourself when you can go a little deeper and discover the core of who you really are?” (Dream Big, Bob Goff pp. 24-25)
Spend some time examining your life/heart honestly. Answer the questions presented throughout this reflection to see where you’re at so you can move forward. If you have questions, feel free to email me. I’m here for you!
Journeying Together,