Wonder Full
The other day we went on an adventure to a nearby sunflower maze. After being cooped up and not able to travel to our dream destinations this summer, we were hungry for a day trip to get away.
Have you ever been somewhere that blows you away, makes you feel like you’re in another world, and has a way of making time stand still for just a little bit—kinda magical? I have probably ten places in my lifetime that I can vividly recall this happening. It’s hard to explain. You just know when it’s happening. The last time it happened was when I walked into La Sagrada Familia cathedral in Barcelona a few years ago. It happened again this Tuesday. Wow, God. Just wow! You did it again.
I think that God knows when we need to be blown away. He loves to wow us and see the look of awe on our faces. For me it’s always a reminder that He has the power to touch our souls with beauty. Beauty in creation, in hearts, in kind actions, in art, in the color of the sky, in falling raindrops, in gentle touch, in hugs, in my husband’s enduring smile, in mountains, in the ocean, in fields of growing crops, in a fluttering monarch butterfly, and vibrant yellow flowers that look towards the sun throughout the day.
When I have moments of wonder where God really communicates His wonder and awe to me, I know undeniably that it is Him and He is doing it with purpose. He wants my soul to be touched. He wants me to know it’s Him. It’s like He’s showing off and wants my attention. He wants my full attention. He wants me to know He’s there. Most of the times He does this, He knows that I need it. And I have no idea it’s about to happen—it’s a surprise for my soul that I have no control over. He just comes and boom—I have no words, my jaw drops, my insides feel warm, my eyes widen, sometimes tears come to my eyes, and like I said, time seems to stop and stand still for a little bit.
Do you have experiences of wonder that you can recall? Do you know what a kid’s face looks like when they are just totally blown away and in awe of something? Think of those kinds of moments. If we keep our eyes open and make space for Him to show up like this—He will. And He does.
We walked through the path of vivacious yellow sunflowers with busy bumblebees buzzing to and fro. My husband said I was overcome—something came over me. He watched it happen. God’s presence came over me. As we stood there gazing as far as our eyes could see, we were surrounded by hope, happiness, and joy. It overpowered us. Their light, their strength, their life wowed us and communicated something God knew we needed in that very sacred moment in our own ways. He got our attention. He said, “Look at Me.” So we did. For a couple of hours.
I will always remember those moments. I don’t ever want to miss them. God, please come and continue to wow me and overcome me with Your Presence. Fill me with Your wonder.
Do you experience God regularly? Write about a few of those times.
What is the moment you felt most in awe of God? What did He do? How did you feel? Why do you think He used that moment to wow you?
Keep your eyes open this week for God. Pay attention. He could surprise you when you least expect it with a moment filled with beauty. Remember beauty can be a lot of different things.
What do you think is beautiful in life? Write out a few ways that God has shown you beauty. Why do you think that He uses these things/people/etc. to communicate to you? To get your attention? To love you?
Journeying Together,