It's All About Choices

Time is a daily gift.  How do you like to spend it?

One of my husband’s favorite sayings is “it’s all about choices – people make time for what they want to make time for.”  Sometimes it irks me, because quite honestly it’s true.  And it’s revealing.  Let’s get real and let’s do a priority inventory.  Make a list of the top 5 priorities in your life – in order.  On the daily, do you see yourself committing time within each of these areas?  This is where things can get tricky.  Full disclosure, often times I say something is a priority, but my daily actions/rhythms/routine don’t show it.  Is this also true for you or do you struggle in certain areas?  If you are honest with yourself can you name why? 

One personal struggle for many is that we don’t always put some of our most important needs first – self-care.  I will be highlighting this in the days to come, but let’s just start simple.  And let’s see time and our choices as a gift to choose wisely how we will steward what we’ve been given.  Also, if you are not a priority on your list, why?  There could be a very good reason why, but I’m just you to take note. 


-Spend some soul space jotting down and reflecting on how you spend time during your day/week. 
-Do your actions support your words/goals?
-What is one way you’d like to use your daily time differently? 
-How will you work this into your schedule and be accountable for it? 
-Do your priorities reflect your goals?
-What do you do daily to care for yourself? 

 Journeying Together,

Charity Bolden