The Birds

The Birds. 

Sometimes I wake up in the night and the birds are chirping at 4am!  They grab my attention so I’ve started to pay them more attention.  I think God created birds for so many reasons.  Have you ever sat and just listened to them?  Have you ever sat and just watched them move about?  Have you seen one soaring through the air gracefully?  Have you seen one confidently dive into the water to catch something to eat?  They are actually quite amazing creatures that we can learn from if we give them our attention . 

When you think of birds what first comes to mind for you? What kind of birds are your favorite?  Have you ever taken time to observe them?  If not, set aside some time to do so and you will experience something pretty grounding and perhaps even freeing. 

How often do we journey through life without noticing our surroundings in the everyday?  Could it be that our surroundings have been put in place for a reason? 



Take 15 minutes today to go for a walk or sit inside or out where you can hear and see the birds.  Write about your experience. 

Journeying Together,

Charity Bolden